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105 Hazard Communication: Basic
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Training at Multi-Employer Worksites

If the employer becomes aware of new exposure risks for their employees at a multi-employer worksite, the training requirements still apply. Employees must be trained for hazards they haven't previously been educated on.

Picture of a multi-employer worksite where employees must receive training for HCS Hazardous Communication Standard.

Training Temporary Employees

Training temporary employees is a responsibility that is shared between the host employer and temporary agency.

  • Host Employer: The host employer is responsible for training on the company's specific HCS program requirements including labeling, chemical hazards and safe work procedures in their workplace.
  • Temporary Agency: The temporary agency, in turn, maintains a continuing relationship with its employees and would be expected to inform employees of the general requirements of the HCS standard.

Contracts between the temporary agency and the host-employer should be examined to determine if they clearly outline the training responsibilities of both parties, in order to ensure the employers have complied with all requirements of the regulation.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-9. Who is responsible for training specific requirements of the company's hazard communication program to temporary employees?