Key Performance Indicators
Supervisors: Supervisors may not be able to completely control the results (such as the accident rate) of their work area. However, they do have the ability to control their own safety management and leadership activities. Therefore, to hold supervisors accountable, performance measurement at this level should primarily include proactive supervisor safety behaviors and activities such as:
- making sure workers have safe materials, tools, equipment, machinery, etc.
- ensuring a healthful psychosocial environment
- following company safety rules
- conducting safety inspections
- enforcing safety rules
- training safe work procedures
- recognizing employees for safety
- conducting safety meetings
Employees: Measurement of employees should include appropriate proactive personal behaviors such as:
- complying with company safety rules
- reporting injuries immediately
- reporting hazards
- making suggestions
- involvement in safety activities
After all is said and done, if the behaviors and activities above are expected and recognized, the results that we all worry about will take care of themselves. Improve the process and watch the outcome follow!
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
1-8. Which of the following is an effective key performance indicator that should be measured?
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