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138 Workplace Hygiene and Illness Prevention
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Feeling Sick?

Have you woken up feeling sick? Are you unable to get out of bed? If you are feeling any symptoms of illness, it might be a good idea to stay home. Do not go into work if you are sick. If you are sick and go to work, you increase the time your body needs to recover. You will also put those at your workplace at risk for getting sick.

If you are at work and begin to feel sick, it is advisable to go home. If you are unable to get any work done or concentrate on work due to being sick, ask to go home. This will also reduce the risk of spreading your illness to others in your workplace.

The primary goal of identifying signs of illness is to help individuals prevent or reduce the spread of illness in the workplace.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

3-3. Reina is sick at work and can't concentrate on her work. What should she do in this situation?