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173 Healthcare: Mercury Safety
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Cleaning up Mercury Spills

Mercury Spill Cleanup Health Effects

Only those who have been properly trained should clean up a mercury spill.

What NEVER to Do After a Mercury Spill
  • Never use a vacuum cleaner to clean up mercury. The vacuum will put mercury into the air and increase exposure.
  • Never use a broom to clean up mercury. It will break the mercury into smaller droplets and spread them.
  • Never pour mercury down a drain. It may lodge in the plumbing and cause future problems during plumbing repairs. If discharged, it can cause pollution of the septic tank or sewage treatment plant.
  • Never walk around if your shoes might be contaminated with mercury. Contaminated clothing can also spread mercury around.

Prepping for Clean Up of a Broken Mercury Thermometer

  • Have everyone else leave the area; don't let anyone walk through the mercury on their way out.
  • Mercury can be cleaned up easily from the following surfaces: wood, linoleum, tile and any similarly smooth surfaces.
  • If a spill occurs on carpet, curtains, upholstery or other absorbent surfaces, these contaminated items should be thrown away in accordance with proper disposal means discussed in the next section. Only cut and remove the affected portion of the contaminated carpet for disposal.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

1-8. What should you do with items contaminated with mercury after a spill?