Physical Therapy
Physical therapists use various types of electrical treatment equipment, such as hydrocollators and ultrasound devices, that could be hazardous:
- If water and electrical energies mix, it may result in a possible shock hazard.
- If equipment is used improperly, excessive occupational exposure to ultrasound may occur.

It is necessary to review the safety and health program and routinely monitor the condition of equipment and addresses work practices of therapists.
- Visual inspection of cords; do not use if frayed or damaged.
- Employee visual inspection of equipment before using.
- If something does not look right, do not use the machine; call for assistance.
- Ensure that all electrical service near sources of water is properly grounded [ 29 CFR 1910.304(g)(6)(vi).]
Work Practice Controls
Proper technique must be used when administering ultrasound and electrical stimulation treatments to avoid excessive exposure to the therapist's hand.
- Improper technique could result in hand weakness.
- Physical therapists should use the handle rather than the head of the ultrasound device when administering treatments.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
1-4. Improper technique when administering ultrasound treatments can result in _____.
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