School Administrator Duties
Mitigation and prevention require school administrators to take inventory of the dangers in the school and community. It also means they will need to identify how to prevent and reduce injury and property damage.

Mitigation and prevention examples:
- Establishing access control procedures may prevent an intruder from coming onto school grounds.
- Providing IDs for students and staff.
- Conducting hurricane, tornado, fire, and other drills can reduce the likelihood of student and staff injuries.
- Planning responses to and conducting training for incidents involving hazardous materials is important for schools near highways.
Administrators can use community resources to help in the processes above. Firefighters, police, public works staff, facilities managers, and the district's insurance manager can all help conduct a hazard assessment. You will be able to use the information in the assessment to help identify problems to address in the preparedness process.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-2. Mitigation and prevention require school administrators to _____.
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