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575 School Safety: Crisis Planning
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A crisis intervention team (CIT) is made up of individuals, at either the district or school level, involved in recovery. There are many different ways to assemble and organize a CIT.

Students in a classroom with their hands raised to answer a question.
After a crisis is to get the students back to learning as soon as possible.

For example, the crisis management plan might deploy a centralized CIT at the district level, which serves all schools in the district or have the district train school-specific CITs. Even when crisis intervention teams exist at individual schools, you may find it necessary to have the superintendent allocate additional resources on an as-needed basis.

Business of Learning

The first order of business after a crisis is to get the students back to learning as soon as possible. Reopening a school after a crisis can help students and families cope with separations from one another.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

5-2. What is the first order of business after a school crisis?