Management Commitment and Leadership
Top Management Commitment (TMC) is defined by how much time, money, and concern the employer gives to safety. The degree to which managers demonstrate TMC indicates their understanding of the benefits derived from an effective safety management system.
It is essential to the success of your company's safety and health program that top management demonstrates not only an interest but a serious long-term commitment to protect every employee from injury and illness on the job. But, if you think you don't have that level of commitment, how do you get it? Real commitment doesn't just appear out of thin air. What is the secret?
Here's the secret - management commitment to safety will occur to the extent each manager clearly understands the positive benefits derived from their effort.
Understanding the benefits will create a strong desire on the part of management to improve the company's safety culture. Managers will invest serious time and money into effective safety management by developing what I call the "6-Ps" within each element in the SMS:
Every day, employees, supervisors, and managers have many opportunities to communicate and act in ways that demonstrate safety leadership. Unfortunately, these opportunities go unanswered because they are not seen as opportunities. Employers and managers do not understand that the simple expression of tough-caring safety leadership can result in enormous benefits. The inability to perceive leadership opportunities as they arise limits the company's potential to succeed.
Check out this short audio clip by Dan Clark of that talks about I2P2 - Injury and Illness Prevention Programs.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
5-2. What is the "secret" to getting top management to commit to safety?
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