Sample GHS Safety Data Sheet
9. Physical and Chemical Properties
- Flashpoint: 2oC (35oF)
- Autoignition Temperature: 480oC (896oF)
- Boiling Point: 77oC (170.6oF) @ 760 mm Hg
- Melting Point: -82oC
- Vapor Pressure: 100.0 mm Hg @ 23oC
- Vapor Density: 1.7; (Air = 1)
- % Solubility in Water: 10 @ 20 deg C
- Pour Point: NA
- Molecular Formula: Mixture
- Odor/Appearance: Clear, colorless liquid with mild, pungent odor.
- Lower Flammability Limit: >3.00%
- Upper Flammability Limit: <15.00%
- Specific Gravity: 0.82g/ml @ 20oC
- % Volatile: 100
- Evaporation Rate (Water=1): 5(Butyl Acetate =1)
- Viscosity: 0.3 cP @ 25oC
- Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient: log Kow: 0.5
- pH: 7, 8% aqueous solution
- Molecular Weight: Mixture
10. Stability and Reactivity
Stability/Incompatibility: Incompatible with ammonia, amines, bromine, strong bases and strong acids.
Hazardous Reactions/Decomposition Products: Thermal decomposition products may include oxides of carbon and nitrogen.
11.Toxicological Information
Signs and Symptoms of Overexposure: Eye and nasal irritation, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, cyanosis, tremors, weakness, itching or burning of the skin.
Acute Effects:
Eye Contact: may cause severe conjunctival irritation and corneal damage.
Skin Contact: may cause reddening, blistering or burns with permanent damage. Harmful if absorbed through the skin. May cause allergic skin reaction.
Inhalation: may cause severe irritation with possible lung damage (pulmonary edema).
Ingestion: may cause severe gastrointestinal burns.
Target Organ Effects: May cause gastrointestinal (oral), respiratory tract, nervous system and blood effects based on experimental animal data. May cause cardiovascular system and liver effects.
Chronic Effects: based on experimental animal data, may cause changes to genetic material; adverse effects on the developing fetus or on reproduction at doses that were toxic to the mother. Methyltoxy is classified by IARC as group 2B and by NTP as reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen. OSHA regulates Methyltoxy as a potential carcinogen.
Medical Conditions Aggravated by Exposure: preexisting diseases of the respiratory tract, nervous system, cardiovascular system, liver or gastrointestinal tract.
Acute Toxicity Values
- Oral LD50 (Rat) = 100 mg/kg
- Dermal LD50 (Rabbit) = 225-300 mg/kg
- Inhalation LC50 (Rat) = 200 ppm/4 hr., 1100 ppm vapor/1 hr
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-5. In which SDS section would you be informed of signs and symptoms of overexposure?
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