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609 Health Hazards in Nail Salons
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Chemical Exposures in Nail Salons

Working in a nail salon exposes workers to many different chemicals each day.

Worker with PPE removing nail polish from client.
A paper face mask will not protect you from breathing in hazardous chemicals.

These exposures can "add up," causing illness, especially when products are:

  • being used at the same time,
  • the products are used day after day, or
  • when there is poor ventilation in the salon.

Many nail salon workers also work long hours, which adds to the amount of time they may be exposed to chemicals. These types of exposures may make workers sick immediately (acute illnesses) or cause effects over a long period of time (chronic illnesses).

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

1-2. What type of exposure is most likely to cause chronic illness to workers in nail salons?