Latex Allergy
Potential Hazards
It is estimated that 8-12 percent of health care workers are latex sensitive with reactions ranging from irritant contact dermatitis and allergic contact sensitivity, to immediate, possibly life-threatening, sensitivity.

Some emergency department employees may develop a latex sensitivity or allergy from exposure to latex in products like latex gloves.
Many workers who are not traditional health care workers, such as housekeepers, laundry workers, and gardeners, may also be exposed to latex products and latex allergy.
Potential Hazard
- Developing latex allergy from exposure to products that contain latex such as gloves, catheters, and tubing.
Possible Solutions
- Provide appropriate gloves, including non-powdered, hypoallergenic, glove liners, or other similar alternatives to employees who are allergic to the gloves normally provided. Nitrile gloves are considered by most to be the best alternative for emergency room and other healthcare employees.
In addition, good work practices should be used. These may include:
- providing a latex-safe work environment
- using non-latex gloves and other latex-free products
- selecting a low protein, powder-free glove
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
1-5. What is considered the best solution for emergency room employees who are allergic to latex gloves?
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