An Employer's Exposure Control Plan
The plan should also describe the procedure for investigating and evaluating the circumstances surrounding an exposure incident to quickly provide effective follow-up care to exposed employees. The investigation will also help each site team learn from accidents and establish new measures to prevent them from happening again.
The ECP plan must be accessible to all employees. It must be reviewed and updated annually or when alterations in procedures create the possibility of new occupational exposures. Additionally, non-managerial employees who provide direct patient care must be asked to provide input in the identification, evaluation, and selection of effective controls to isolate or remove bloodborne pathogens from the workplace.
Although an employee's job description may include information regarding potential exposure to bloodborne pathogens, it may not be legally required. The employer's exposure control plan must identify all specific procedures an employee performs which may expose them to bloodborne pathogens.
Exposure Control Plan (ECP)
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-2. Where must the employer identify all specific procedures employees perform which may expose them to bloodborne pathogens?
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