Engineering Controls
Engineering controls minimize exposure in the workplace either by designing equipment to physically isolate the hazard from the worker, such as:
- sharps container for needles,
- splash guards,

- red bags for contaminated materials, and
- mechanical pipetting devices.
Work Practice Controls
Work practice controls focus on behaviors: the way tasks are performed. Each of the following is an example of a safe work practice control:
- require the use of disposable gloves when performing emergency care;
- performing all actions involving OPIM in a way as to minimize splattering, splashing, and spraying;
- properly handling and disposing needles or sharps in sharps containers;
- disposing contaminated bandages, gauze, or linens in proper containers; and
- eliminating eating, drinking, smoking, applying make-up or lip balm, or handling contact lenses in locations with potential exposure to OPIM.
In healthcare facilities, employees are prohibited from wearing artificial nails. Food and drink must not be kept in a refrigerator, freezer, shelf, or in the general area of where blood or other potentially infectious materials are kept.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-3. Which of the following is a good example of a work practice control?
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