What needles are usually associated with needlestick injuries?
Health care workers use many types of needles and other sharp devices to provide patient care. However, data from hospitals show only a few types of needles and other sharp devices are associated with the majority of injuries.

Needles often associated with needlestick injuries include:
- hypodermic needles
- blood collection needles
- suture needles
- needles used in IV delivery systems
Injuries can occur at every stage of needle use, disassembly, or disposal. A report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) lists the following percentages for injury rates involving hollow-bore needles:
- During use: 52%
- After use, before disposal: 19%
- During or after disposal: 22%
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
7-2. Needlesticks occur most often _____.
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