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663 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers IV
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General Precautions and Safe Work Practices

Recommended precautions and safe work practices to protect employees from exposure to hazardous chemicals include the following:

This employee is safely and securely storing chemicals.
  • Maintain a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each chemical used in the facility.
  • Make this information accessible to employees in a language and format that are clearly understood by all affected personnel.
  • Train employees on all requirements of the hazard communication program, including how to read and use the SDS.
  • Follow manufacturer's SDS instructions for handling hazardous chemicals.
  • Train employees about the risks of each hazardous chemical being used.
  • Provide spill clean-up kits in areas where chemicals are stored.
  • Have a written spill control plan.
  • Train employees to clean up spills, protect themselves and properly dispose of used materials.
  • Provide proper personal protective equipment and enforce its use.
  • Store chemicals safely and securely.
  • Develop and maintain a written hazard communication program addressing Safety Data Sheets (SDS), labeling and employee training.
  • Label each container of a hazardous substance (vats, bottles, storage tanks) with standardized Globally Harmonized System (GHS) labeling.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

3-2. Which is a recommended safe work practice to protect employees from exposure to hazardous chemicals?