Developing a PPE Program
A written PPE program should be established for work at all hazardous waste sites.

The two basic objectives of a PPE program are to:
- protect the wearer from safety and health hazards, and
- prevent injury to the wearer from incorrect use and/or malfunction of the PPE.
A comprehensive PPE program should include the following elements to accomplish these goals:
- hazard identification;
- medical monitoring;
- environmental surveillance;
- selection, use, maintenance, and decontamination of PPE; and
- training.
The written PPE program should include policy statements, procedures, and guidelines. Copies should be made available to all employees, and a reference copy should be available at each work site. Technical data on equipment, maintenance manuals, relevant regulations, and other essential information should also be made available.
Program Review and Evaluation
The PPE program should be reviewed at least annually. Elements which should be considered in the review include:
- a survey of each site to ensure compliance with regulations applicable to the specific site involved
- the number of person-hours workers wear various protective ensembles
- accident and illness experience
- levels of exposure
- adequacy of equipment selection. Adequacy of the operational guidelines
- adequacy of decontamination, cleaning, inspection, maintenance, and storage programs
- adequacy and effectiveness of training and fitting programs
- coordination with overall safety and health program elements
- the degree of fulfillment of program objectives
- the adequacy of program records
- recommendations for program improvement and modification
- program costs
The results of the program evaluation should be made available to employees and presented to top management so program adaptations may be implemented.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
1-2. What is one of the two basic objectives of a Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) program?
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