Suit/Ensemble Permeation and Penetration
The possibility of chemical permeation or penetration of chemical protective clothing (CPC) ensembles during the work mission is always a matter of concern and may limit mission duration. Possible causes of ensemble penetration are:
- suit valve leakage, particularly under excessively hot or cold temperatures
- suit fastener leakage if the suit is not properly maintained or if the fasteners become brittle at cold temperatures
- exhalation valve leakage at excessively hot or cold temperatures
Also, when considering mission duration, it should be remembered no single clothing material is an effective barrier to all chemicals or all combinations of chemicals, and no material is an effective barrier to prolonged chemical exposure.
Ambient Temperature
The ambient temperature has a major influence on work mission duration as it affects both the worker and the protective integrity of the CPC ensemble. Heat stress, which can occur even in relatively moderate temperatures, is the greatest immediate danger to an ensemble-encapsulated worker.
Hot and cold ambient temperatures also affect:
- valve operation on suits and/or respirators
- the durability and flexibility of suit materials
- the integrity of suit fasteners
- the breakthrough time and permeation rates of chemicals
- the concentration of airborne contaminants
All these factors may decrease the duration of protection provided by a given piece of clothing or respiratory equipment.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-2. The breakthrough time and permeation rates of chemical protective clothing (CPC) material are influenced by _____.
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