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666 HAZWOPER for General Site Workers VII
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Visitors and Security During Off-Duty Hours

Have the Project Team Leader approve all visitors to the site. Make sure they have a valid purpose for entering the site.

security guard patrolling outside boundary
If necessary, use security guards to patrol the site boundary.

Always have trained site personnel accompany visitors, and provide them with the appropriate protective equipment.

To maintain site security during off-duty hours:

  • If possible, assign trained, in-house technicians for site surveillance. They will be familiar with the site, the nature of the work, the site's hazards, and respiratory protection techniques.
  • If necessary, use security guards to patrol the site boundary. Such personnel may be less expensive than trained technicians but will be more difficult to train in safety procedures and will be less confident in reacting to problems around hazardous substances.
  • Enlist public enforcement agencies, such as the local police department, if the site presents a significant risk to local health and safety.
  • Secure the equipment.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-2. Who should be assigned to perform site surveillance because of their familiarity with the site's hazards?