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710 Energy Control Program (Lockout/Tagout)
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LOTO Retraining

There are many reasons to retrain your employees. Here are a couple examples:

Employees being retrained on new equipment operations.
Employees must be retrained for changes in equipment or machinery or for deficiencies in KSAs.
  • To introduce new or revised control methods and procedures as necessary.
  • To re-establish employee proficiency.

You do not need to retrain your employees on an annual basis. However, if your employees do not actually use LOTO procedures often, it's a good idea to practice the procedures at least annually.

Retrain employees when work conditions change. Authorized and affected employees must be retrained whenever:

  • their job assignments change;
  • energy-control procedures change;
  • equipment or work processes present new hazards; or
  • when they don't follow energy-control procedures.

Other triggers that indicate training may be necessary include:

  • periodic inspections reveal that there are deviations in the energy control procedure; or
  • the employer believes that there are deviations from, or inadequacies in, the employee's knowledge or use of the energy control procedures.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

3-3. Authorized and affected employees must be retrained whenever _____.