Factors Inherent in the Worker
Strength and Endurance
Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or a muscle group to remain contracted over a period of time.
There are two types of endurance: static and dynamic.
- Static endurance can be determined by the length of time a limb can maintain a certain position.
- Dynamic endurance can be measured by the number of times a limb can perform a movement against a certain resistance.
Muscular strength is the maximum amount of force that a muscle can exert under maximum contraction. The amount of force that can be exerted by the muscles in the arms, legs and back depends on body posture and the direction of force. For example, when standing, you can exert more force when pulling backwards than when pushing forwards.
A study evaluated the risk of back injuries and strength and found the risk to be three times greater in the weaker subjects. They found that job matching based on strength criteria appeared to be beneficial.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-5. The ability of a muscle to maintain a certain position over a length of time is called _____.
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