Computer Workstations
Computer workstations have special considerations you should be aware of.
How to Set Up Your Desk
The monitor and keyboard positions, lighting, and seating are especially important in preventing work-related WMSDs and eye discomfort. Shared workstations should be easily adjustable so the screen and keyboard can be at the proper level.
Below are components of proper computer workstation design that you should address to maintain proper posture.
Work Surfaces
- Should be deep enough to allow proper keyboard positioning and to accommodate a monitor viewing distance of 18-24 inches.
- Should be wide enough to accommodate keyboard, mouse, and reference material.
- Surface height should be adjusted for the user or adjustable for multiple users.
- Avoid resting your wrists on a hard or sharp surface.
- Enough leg room to allow legs to move freely.
- Should be thin and detachable.
- Should be positioned low enough to keep wrists straight, shoulders relaxed, and elbows angled between 90 and 120 degrees.
- Alternative keyboards, if desired, to alleviate discomfort.
Mouse or Trackball
- Should be within easy reach and at the same height as the keyboard.
- Trackballs may be a suitable alternative.
- Top of the screen should be at or slightly below eye level.
- Viewing distance should be 19-26 inches.
- Should have adjustable back support
- Knee angle should be roughly 90 degrees. Use a foot rest to achieve proper angle.
- Should have a rolling, five-pronged base.
- Should have adjustable padded arm rests.
- Should have an adjustable seat pan.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
5-3. Computer monitors should be positioned so that the top of the screen is _____.
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