Crane- and Derrick-Suspended Personnel Platforms
How Injuries Occur
Workers rarely fall from suspended personnel platforms. Rather, most crane-related fatalities happen when the boom or another part of the crane contacts an energized power line.

Scissor lift and articulating platforms. Performing confined space entry and welding. Used with permission by Lab Padre.
Other causes of serious accidents include:
- Instability: Unstable ground or support surface causes the crane to tip over.
- Lack of communication: The crane operator can't see the suspended platform while it is moving.
- Rigging failure: Platform loads are not properly rigged.
- Boom failure: The weight of the loaded platform exceeds the boom's load limit.
Safe Practices
Safe practices for riding personnel platforms to the work area:
- Stay within the platform while it's moving.
- Wear a body belt or harness and use a lanyard; attach the lanyard to the lower load block or overhaul ball or to a structural member of the platform.
- Stay in view of the crane operator or signal person while you're on the platform.
- Before leaving the platform for the work area, secure it to the structure.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-10. Most crane-related fatalities happen when _____.
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