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717 Emergency Action Plans
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Develop Rescue and Medical Assistance Strategies

Unless you are a large employer handling hazardous materials and processes or have employees regularly working in hazardous situations, you will probably choose to rely on local public resources, such as the fire department, who are trained, equipped, and certified to conduct rescues.

emergency responder shoveling through disaster debris
Make sure any external department or agency identified in your plan is prepared to respond as outlined in your plan.

Make sure any external department or agency identified in your plan is prepared to respond as outlined in your plan. Untrained individuals may endanger themselves and those they are trying to rescue.

Most small employers do not have a formal internal medical program and make arrangements with medical clinics or facilities close by to handle emergency cases and provide medical and first-aid services to their employees. If an infirmary, clinic, or hospital is not close to your workplace, ensure that onsite person(s) have adequate training in first aid.

The American Red Cross, some insurance providers, local safety councils, fire departments, or other resources may be able to provide this training. Treatment of a serious injury should begin within 3 to 4 minutes of the accident. Consult with a physician to order appropriate first-aid supplies for emergencies. Establish a relationship with a local ambulance service so transportation is readily available for emergencies.

Don't forget, if a real catastrophe like a major earthquake or hurricane occurs, local rescue services or government will probably not be able to come to the rescue. You'll be on your own for a number of days or weeks (remember Hurricane Katrina in 2005?). Make sure that you plan for the worst case scenario and assume no outside help.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-3. What action should be taken by small employers if an infirmary, clinic, or hospital is not close to your workplace?