Who is in Charge?
It is common practice to select a responsible individual to lead and coordinate your emergency plan and evacuation.
Emergency Evacuation Procedures
It is critical that employees know who the coordinator is and understand that this person has the authority to make decisions during emergencies.
In other instances, local emergency officials, such as the local fire department, may order you to evacuate your premises. If you have access to radio or television, listen to newscasts to keep informed and follow whatever official orders you receive.
When emergency officials, such as the local fire department, respond to and emergency at your workplace, they will assume responsibility for the safety of building occupants and have the authority to make decisions regarding evacuation and whatever other actions are necessary to protect life and property. The highest-ranking responder will assume the incident command role and will work with the onsite emergency coordinator, but will be responsible for directing all response activities.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-2. When multiple emergency officials arrive, who will assume the incident command role directing all response activities?
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