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717 Emergency Action Plans
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Update the EAP Regularly

Operations and personnel change frequently, and an outdated plan will be of little value or use in an emergency.

Illustration of a clock with hands pointing to the words time to update.
You should review and evaluate the effectiveness and contents of your plan regularly.

You should review and evaluate the effectiveness and contents of your plan regularly. Update the EAP whenever:

  • employee emergency actions or responsibilities change;
  • when there is a change in the layout or design of the facility, new equipment, hazardous materials;
  • processes are introduced that affect evacuation routes; and
  • new types of hazards are introduced that require special actions.

The most common outdated item in plans is the facility and agency contact information. Consider placing this important information on a separate page in the front of the plan so that it can be readily updated. Here's a sample EAP Audit Checklist you can use to help design your own review process.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

5-4. Why do EAP reviews and updates need to occur often?