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719 Fleet Safety Management
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Pre-Trip Inspections

In the most effective Fleet Safety Programs, the company is committed to following a strong daily inspection program.

Driver checking air pressure of front drivers tire on a car.
All vehicles are inspected every day they are operated.

All vehicles are inspected every day they are operated.

Each driver should be satisfied that his/her assigned vehicle is in proper working condition prior to operating. Each driver should also be satisfied that any cargo is properly distributed and secured.

The driver should also review the last completed Driver's Vehicle Inspection Report to verify that any needed repairs were made to the vehicle. If the defects noted were not acknowledged by an authorized signature, the driver should not drive the vehicle until the defects are handled appropriately.

When a driver reports safety related problems or vehicle damage, the vehicle inspection report should be submitted to his/her Supervisor. The Supervisor should sign the report indicating that repairs have been made (or are not required to be made). The original inspection report and certification of repairs should be retained in the Vehicle Maintenance File.

The original inspection reports on which no defects were noted and on which defects were noted, and the certification of repairs, will be retained in the Vehicle Maintenance File.

Sample Pre-Trip Inspection

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

7-6. What should a driver do upon realizing that the defects noted on the previous driver's Vehicle Inspection Report have not been acknowledged by an authorized signature?