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736 Introduction to Process Safety Management (PSM)
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OSHA's PSM Standard

OSHA's PSM standard, CFR 29 1910.119, emphasizes the management of hazards associated with highly hazardous chemicals and establishes a comprehensive management program that integrates technologies, procedures, and management practices.

Image of refinery piping.
The unexpected release of toxic, reactive, or flammable liquids or gases must be managed.

The key provision of PSM standard is process hazard analysis (PHA) - a careful review of what could go wrong and what safeguards must be implemented to prevent releases of hazardous chemicals. Employers must identify those processes that pose the greatest risks and begin evaluating those first.

PSM clarifies the responsibilities of employers and contractors involved in work that affects or takes place near hazardous processes to ensure that the safety of both plant and contractor employees is considered.

The standard requires the employer to incorporate each of the following 14 key elements in a formal PSM program.

  1. Employee participation 1910.119(c).
  2. Process safety information 1910.119(d).
  3. Process hazard analysis. 1910.119(e).
  4. Operating procedures . 1910.119(f).
  5. Training . 1910.119(g).
  6. Contractors . 1910.119(h).
  7. Pre-startup review . 1910.119(i).
  8. Mechanical integrity . 1910.119(j).
  9. Hot work permit . 1910.119(k).
  10. Management of change . 1910.119(l).
  11. Incident Investigation . 1910.119(m).
  12. Emergency planning and response . 1910.119(n).
  13. Compliance audits . 1910.119(o).
  14. Trade secrets . 1910.119(p).

We will review each of the 14 Elements contained within the PSM standard throughout the remaining modules in this course.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

1-7. The key provision of OSHA's Process Safety Management standard is _____.