Right to a Safe and Healthful Workplace
A safe and healthful workplace means that hazards are removed and workers are trained.

A safe and healthful workplace means that hazards are removed and workers are trained.
If a hazard cannot be removed completely, protection (for example, respirators or earplugs) must be provided.
Some examples of a safe/healthful workplace include the following components.
- Fall protection and training are provided and required when working at high levels on a construction site.
- Machines and equipment with rotating and moving parts are guarded.
Worker Rights
- Trenches are inspected and have protective systems in place.
- Proper confined space entry procedures, testing, equipment, and training are present.
- Noise levels are controlled. When levels are still high, hearing tests are conducted and workers are given hearing protection and training.
- Protection from chemical hazards is provided, including an evaluation of chemicals used, a written program, Safety Data Sheets, worker protection (for example, respirators or gloves), and information and training.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-2. A safe and healthful workplace means that hazards are _____ and workers are _____.
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