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744 Working with OSHA
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Four Types of OSHA Standards

Horizontal Standards

Most standards are horizontal or "general," which means they apply to any employer in any industry.

worker in front of a stove in a commercial kitchen.
Horizontal rules apply to all industries.

Examples of horizontal standards are the standards relating to:

  • Fire protection
  • Working surfaces
  • First aid.

Vertical Standards

Some standards are relevant only to a particular industry, and are called vertical, or "particular" standards. Examples of vertical standards are those applying to the:

  • Longshoring industry
  • Construction industry
  • Special industries covered in subpart R of CFR 1910.

Performance Standards

Performance standards allow the employer to choose a method of compliance. An example of a performance standard would state: "One or more methods of fall protection shall be provided..."

Specification Standards

Specification standards provide the exact procedure or measurement the employer must use to comply. An example of a specification standards would state, "When guardrails are used, the top rail shall be between 38 inches and 43 inches in height..."

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

4-3. Which of the following types of OSHA standards allows the employer to choose a method of compliance?