Operating Arc Welding Equipment
Precautions for the operation of metal-arc welding equipment include the following:
What is an Arc Welding Machine?
- Use only approved welding equipment, and be sure that it is in good condition
- Ensure that the welding machine frame is grounded and attached firmly to the work, not merely laid loosely upon it
- Ensure that neither terminal of the welding generator is bonded to the frame
- Make all electrical connections secure
Precautions for the operation of metal-arc welding equipment include the following:
- Use only approved welding equipment, and be sure that it is in good condition
- Lay primary supply cable separately from portable machine cables to prevent entanglement
- De-energize the equipment when stopping work for any appreciable length of time
- Completely disconnect the equipment from the source of power when it is not in use
- Keep welding cables dry and free of oil or grease, in good condition, and protected from damage
- Run the cables overhead, if possible, if it is necessary to carry cables some distance from the machines. Make sure you use adequate supporting devices.
Read about this real-life electrical welding accident.
In 2008, an employee was on an aerial lift, welding connections on beams at a building under construction. He was holding the 220V welding feeder in his right hand and removing slag with his left hand using a metal scraper. As the feeder in his right hand was feeding wire out of the tip, it curled toward his arm and contacted his jacket, which was saturated with water and sweat. The worker then received an electric shock. He was found unconscious with his arm on fire. The employee was hospitalized for treatment.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-4. Which of the following actions would be unsafe prior to arc welding operations?
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