Medium and Heavy Welding
During medium and heavy welding, specially designed flameproof clothing made of leather, or other suitable material, may be required.

A wide choice of protective clothing is available so you can select the type required for any particular welding or cutting job. This clothing consists of aprons, sleeves, a combination of sleeves and bib, jackets, and overalls.
Consider the following when selecting protective clothing:
- Capes and sleeves are particularly suitable for overhead welding because the cape protects the back of the neck, top of the shoulders, and upper part of the back and chest.
- Use of the bib in combination with the cape and sleeves gives added protection to the chest and abdomen in jobs where protection for the lower part of the back is not required.
- As needed, wear the jacket only when complete all-around protection for the upper part of the body, such as when several welders are working near each other.
- Aprons and overalls provide protection to the legs and, therefore, are suitable for welding operations on the floor.
- For very heavy work, wear fire-resistant leggings or high boots. Do NOT wear shoes or boots that have exposed nail heads or rivets.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
7-5. Which of the following protects the legs and is therefore suitable for welding operations on the floor?
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