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757 Laboratory Safety
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Roles and Responsibilities in Implementing the Laboratory Standard

The following are the National Academies recommendations concerning the responsibilities of various individuals for chemical hygiene in laboratories from their text - Safe Science: Promoting a Culture of Safety in Academic Chemical Research.

Lab Safety Culture at UCLA

Chief Executive Officer

  • Bears ultimate responsibility for chemical hygiene within the facility.
  • Provides continuing support for institutional chemical hygiene.

Chemical Hygiene Officer

  • Develops and implements appropriate chemical hygiene policies and practices.
  • Monitors procurement, use, and disposal of chemicals used in the lab.
  • Ensures that appropriate audits are maintained.
  • Helps project directors develop precautions and adequate facilities.
  • Knows the current legal requirements concerning regulated substances.
  • Seeks ways to improve the chemical hygiene program.

Laboratory Supervisors

  • Have overall responsibility for chemical hygiene in the laboratory.
  • Ensure that laboratory workers know and follow the chemical hygiene rules.
  • Ensure that protective equipment is available and in working order.
  • Ensure that appropriate training has been provided.
  • Provide regular, formal chemical hygiene and housekeeping inspections, including routine inspections of emergency equipment.
  • Know the current legal requirements concerning regulated substances.
  • Determine the required levels of PPE and equipment.
  • Ensure that facilities and training for use of any material being ordered are adequate.

Laboratory Workers

  • Plan and conduct each operation in accord with the facility's chemical hygiene procedures, including use of PPE and engineering controls, as appropriate.
  • Develop good personal chemical hygiene habits.
  • Report all accidents and potential chemical exposures immediately.

Teachers and Students

You can learn about laboratory safety best practices in the CDC's School Chemistry Laboratory Safety Guide

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

1-9. Under the chemical hygiene plan, workers should _____.