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757 Laboratory Safety
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Safety Data Sheets (SDSs) on Infectious Agents

Although SDSs for chemical products have been available to workers for many years in the U.S. and other countries, Canada has developed SDSs for infectious agents using a format similar to the safety data sheets required by OSHA.

Employee placing safety data sheets binder on shelf
SDSs for chemical products have been available to workers for many years.

These Pathogen Safety Data Sheets (PSDSs) were produced by the Canadian Public Health Agency for personnel working in the life sciences as quick safety reference material relating to infectious microorganisms.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has developed a Pathogen Safety Data (PSD) Guide that also gives information on infectious agents.

These SDSs on Infectious Agents are organized to contain health hazard information such as infectious dose, viability (including decontamination), medical information, laboratory hazard, recommended precautions, handling information and spill procedures.

For more information on these SDSs see the Canadian Public Health Agency's Pathogen Safety Data Sheets and Risk Assessment web page.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

5-12. Which of the following contain health hazard information such as infectious dose, viability, and recommended precautions?