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757 Laboratory Safety
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When any blood, OPIM or infected animals are present in the work area, a hazard warning sign incorporating the universal biohazard symbol must be posted on all access doors.

Exposure Controls

Employers must ensure that the following engineering and work practice controls are used in HIV/HBV laboratories:

Activities involving OPIM must be conducted in Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs) or other physical-containment devices.
  • All activities involving OPIM are conducted in Biological Safety Cabinets (BSCs) or other physical-containment devices; work with OPIM must not be conducted on the open bench. For more information on BSCs, see OSHA's publication, Laboratory Safety - Biosafety Cabinets (BSCs).
  • Certified BSCs or other appropriate combinations of personal protection or physical containment devices, such as special protective clothing, respirators, centrifuge safety cups, sealed centrifuge rotors, and containment caging for animals, be used for all activities with OPIM that pose a threat of exposure to droplets, splashes, spills, or aerosols.
  • Each laboratory contains a facility for hand washing and an eyewash facility which is readily available within the work area.
  • The sink must be foot, elbow, or automatically operated and must be located near the exit door of the work area.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

6-4. When any blood, OPIM or infected animals are present in the work area, where must a hazard warning sign incorporating the universal biohazard symbol be posted?