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776 Preventing Workplace Violence in Healthcare
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Management Commitment

Management commitment and employee involvement are complementary and essential elements of an effective safety and health program. To ensure an effective program, management and frontline employees must work together, perhaps through a team or committee approach. If employers opt for this strategy, they must be careful to comply with the applicable provisions of the National Labor Relations Act.

Management commitment, including the endorsement and visible involvement of top management, provides the motivation and resources to deal effectively with workplace violence. This commitment should include:

  • demonstrating organizational concern for employee emotional and physical safety and health
  • exhibiting equal commitment to the safety and health of workers and patients/clients
  • assigning responsibility for the various aspects of the workplace violence prevention program to ensure that all managers, supervisors and employees understand their obligations
  • allocating appropriate authority and resources to all responsible parties
  • maintaining a system of accountability for involved managers, supervisors and employees
  • establishing a comprehensive program of medical and psychological counseling and debriefing for employees experiencing or witnessing assaults and other violent incidents
  • supporting and implementing appropriate recommendations from safety and health committees

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-3. To deal effectively with workplace violence, management commitment must provide _____.