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790 Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
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Structure and Responsbility

ISO 14001 requires that the relevant management and accountability structure be defined in this element.

Environmental Management Program

Top management is expected to ensure that resources are available so that the EMS can be implemented, maintained, and improved. These resources include human resources, organizational structure, financial and technological resources, and others as needed.

Roles, responsibilities, and authorities must be defined, documented and communicated as appropriate.

The organization must identify the Management Representative who is responsible to oversee the EMS and report to management on its operation. This person(s) ensures the EMS is established, implemented and maintained consistent with ISO 14001, and also reports to top management on the performance of the system including recommendations for improvement.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

4-2. Who is responsible to oversee the EMS and report to management on its operation?