Analyze Past Performance
To get the best picture of past safety performance on worksites, gather and analyze data on all previous injury accidents, accident resulting in property damage, and near-miss incidents.

By using the information gained through analysis of incident/accident investigations occurring on previous projects, a similar, or perhaps more disastrous, accident may be prevented.
Control of Hazardous Energy
The control of hazardous energy through lockout/tagout procedures assures that employees are protected from unintended machine motion or unintended release of energy which could cause injury. This includes electricity, water, steam, hydraulic, gravity, and many other sources of stored energy.
All sources of energy must be shut off, de-energized at the source, and locked-out prior to you or any other employee beginning work around or on the potential hazard.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
5-7. Which of the following safety procedures assures that employees are protected from unintended machine motion or unintended release of energy which could cause injury?
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