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812 OSHA Focus Four Hazards
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Employer Requirements

Preventing Fall Hazards

The following are some things your employer should do to prevent fall hazards at your worksite:

Train employees on specific tasks. Photo credit: Miller fall protection.
  1. Develop a written fall protection plan.
  2. Identify potential fall hazards prior to each project and during daily walk-around inspections.
  1. Pay attention to hazards associated with routine and non-routine tasks.
  2. Eliminate the need for fall protection where possible by rescheduling the task, isolating the task, or changing the task.
  1. Ensure fall protection equipment is appropriate to the task, in good condition and used properly.
  2. Conduct general fall prevention training on a regular basis.
  3. Train workers about the specific fall hazards identified and the required personal protective equipment.
  4. Conduct regular inspections of fall protection equipment in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and OSHA's requirements.
  5. Emphasize fall hazards unique to the site, such as open floor holes or shafts, riser penetrations and skylights.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

2-5. Which of the following is important for the employer to do to prevent fall hazards at your worksite?