OSHA’s general training requirement for construction workers states that the employer must instruct each employee in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions.

They must also be instructed about the regulations applicable to his work environment to control or eliminate any hazards or other exposure to illness or injury.
OSHA mentions "training," "instruction," and "education" in their various publications in a way that may confuse readers. However, no matter the topic, safety effective construction safety "education" should include these three components:
- Instruction: Instruction is completed by a competent person in a step-by-step presentation to ensure employees gain adequate knowledge;
- Training: Training gives give employees "hands-on" practice performing procedures and using tools, equipment, and machinery to gain the necessary skills.
- Evaluation: A competent person must evaluate employee abilities to perform tasks and use equipment safely while on the job.
Your employer must train you to perform your job and use the provided equipment safely. OSHA's training requirements are summaries in OSHA Publication 2254, Training Requirements in OSHA Standards.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-8. Effective safety education for construction workers must include the following three components: _____.
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