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812 OSHA Focus Four Hazards
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Safe Practices Working Near Powerlines

Employer Responsibilities

Before working on overhead power lines, employers must make sure they are de-energized and grounded by the owner/operator of the power lines, or other protective measures provided.

Employers must provide other protective measures, such as PPE (rubber insulating gloves, hoods, sleeves, matting, blankets, line hose, and industrial protective helmets).

Protective measures (such as guarding or insulating the lines) must be designed to prevent contact with the lines.

Two power company employees installing sleeves over power lines
Power company installing sleeves over power lines.

The three primary methods your employer should control power line hazards are:

  1. maintaining a safe distance from lines;
  2. having the power company de-energize and ground the power line(s) (have a power company representative at the site); and
  3. having the power company install insulated sleeves (also known as "eels") over power lines.

Your employer should train workers regarding power line hazards and about the available protective measures. Employers need to fully warn workers about what jobs may have electrical hazards, and the measure(s) they will take to control the hazards. Also, workers should be reminded they should always ask questions if they have any doubts about maintaining safe working conditions.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

8-3. Which of the following is one of the three primary methods to ensure employees are safe working around power lines?