Traffic Control Safe Practices
Traffic control in work zones is crucial for maintaining the safety of both workers and drivers.
Here are some safe practices that should be followed in work zones:
- Develop and use a site plan that provides traffic flow details (See traffic flow diagrams. Other Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) model plans are also available).
- Use flaggers, traffic cones, and/or highway channeling devices to steer traffic away from response and recovery workers along the roadway.

Use flaggers, traffic cones, and devices to steer traffic away from work zones.
- Use flaggers, standard road signs (e.g., "work zone ahead"), or message boards to warn approaching vehicles of a work area.
- Give motorists plenty of warning of upcoming work zones. Place the first warning signs at a distance calculated as 4 to 8 times (in feet) the speed limit (in MPH).
- Use a higher multiplier for higher speed areas (e.g., a 15 MPH road under construction should have its first warning sign at least 60 feet from the work zone, while a work zone needed in a 65 MPH zone should have its first sign approximately 520 feet away).
- Ensure the work zone is well lit, but control glare to avoid temporarily blinding response and recovery workers or passing motorists.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
5-3. What is an engineering control/work practice that should be used to reduce workzone traffic hazards?
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