Walking/Working Surfaces
Tripping hazards: To prevent tripping hazards, do not attach the components listed below if they project from the top flanges of beams, joists, or beam attachments until after the metal decking, or other walking/working surface, has been installed.
- shear connectors (such as headed steel studs, steel bars, or steel lugs)
- reinforcing bars
- deformed anchors
- threaded studs, unless they are factory installed and all workers, including connectors and deckers, use fall protection at all times
Shear Connectors
When shear connectors are used in the construction of composite floors, roofs and bridge decks, they must be laid out and installed after the metal decking has been installed.
The metal decking will then serve as a working platform.
Shear connectors may not be installed from within a controlled decking zone (CDZ).
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
3-4. _____ may not be installed from within a controlled decking zone (CDZ).
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