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850 Health Hazards in Construction
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Construction workers need to be trained on the proper techniques for lifting, bending, and carrying at the job site. For example:

  • Don't twist when lifting.
  • Keep the load close to the body. If possible, arrange for work to be done in the power zone. The power zone for lifting is close to the body, between mid-thigh and mid-chest height.
  • Grip the load firmly with your whole hand, not just your fingers.
  • Lift in a smooth motion and don't jerk.
  • Use two people to handle loads heavier than about 40 to 50 pounds. If the load looks like more than you can handle, get help either from another person or by using a mechanical/moving aid.

You might want to set up a regular time, maybe during safety meetings, to talk about ergonomic issues, discuss ideas about improving job, and try out suggestions.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

4-4. You should use two people to handle loads heavier than about _____ pounds.