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895 Deck Barge Safety
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Regular Maintenance and Inspection

Barges should be inspected by employers on a regular basis and as necessary. This will prevent problems related to missing equipment, hazardous working surface conditions, and mechanical failures that could contribute to falls overboard. For example, inspections should check for missing or damaged PFDs, missing lifelines, and burned-out lights.

Safety Precautions

There are several controls that may help prevent employees from falling overboard. Examples include marking the edge of the deck with contrasting paint or, if practical, installing guardrails or handrails.

Job Hazard Analysis to Prevent Overboard Incidents

Employers and employees can use a job hazard anaylsis to identify conditions that may lead to overboard incidents.

To reduce the risks of overboard incidents and drowning, employers and employees can conduct a joint job hazard analysis to identify conditions that may contribute to overboard incidents. Appropriate control measures and training can be implemented to reduce the hazards associated with falling overboard.

For example, if the separation between a barge and the dock or another vessel is more than 12 inches, a gangway or ladder must be used. Additionally, it is important to look for warning signs such as employee fatigue, complacency, and lack of concentration. Be sure to resolve these issues before an overboard incident occurs. Employers also may consider hiring a professional safety engineer to evaluate hazards and possible controls.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

3-2. To help prevent falls overboard, a gangway or ladder must be used, if the separation between a barge and the dock or another vessel is more than _____.