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895 Deck Barge Safety
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Winches and Cable Systems

Operating or working near winches may potentially expose employees to hazards such as body parts caught in a winch drum, being struck by a broken line or cable, and tripping over a line or cable.

Spud Winches are used to raise and lower spuds.

Be sure to follow these safe practices when working with winches:

  • Use a device or tool-never your hand-to keep the winch line spooling properly.
  • Enclose the winch drum in a cage if practical.
  • Stay off the deck unless you are part of the operation.
  • Never stand in, on, over, or in line with lines or cables connected to winches when they are under tension. The danger zone lies within 15 degrees of either side of a line under tension.
Areas within a bight where a person should not stand.
  • Never step on or walk over the winch drum.
  • Inspect the winch system regularly for problems associated with general or localized deterioration, cracked welds, and other structural, mechanical, or electrical deficiencies.
  • Inspect lines and cable systems regularly, including blocks, hooks, and associated components, for signs of damage or deterioration.
  • A guard should be installed between the winch operator and the connected cables to protect the operator from potential whiplash.
  • Never stand in the bight of a line.

Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.

4-4. When working around winches when they are under tension, the danger zone lies within _____.