Explosive or Flammable Atmospheres
An explosive or flammable atmosphere can develop from many sources. Some examples of these sources may include:
- If you are leasing a barge, a previous user may have dumped waste into the space or used it as a slop tank.
- A spill of diesel fuel or gasoline on deck may have entered the tank, resulting in an explosive atmosphere.
- The paint or coating system applied to the tank could ignite if not locally removed prior to hotwork.
Fire in a Confined Space
Before beginning work in, near or around a confined space or compartment, be sure to do the following:
- A visual inspection must first be performed in order to identify potential physical, atmospheric and fire hazards.
- The atmosphere must be tested, using a combustible gas meter, not only prior to entry into the space but also if you plan on doing hotwork on a tank exterior. Conducting hotwork on the exterior of a tank can be just as dangerous as when done internally if an explosive atmosphere or a flammable coating is present, which could result in a fire or explosion.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
5-2. What condition may occur if the paint or coating system applied to a tank was not locally removed prior to hotwork?
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