Tripping Out: Working on the Monkeyboard
In this process, the derrickhand climbs up the derrick to the monkeyboard. As soon as the derrickhand is on the monkeyboard, getting tied off is the first thing to do.
From here he unlatches the elevators and guides the stands of pipe into the fingerboard.
The elevators are then lowered and attached to the next stand of pipe.
Potential Hazards
- falling while climbing up or down the ladder
- falling from, or being knocked off, the monkeyboard or fingerboard
- slips, trips, and falls
- falling during an emergency descent
- being caught between pipe and other objects
- receiving strains and sprains
- being struck by dropped objects
- being exposed by the elements - rain, snow, wind and sun
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
6-5. What is the first thing the derrickhand must do when on the monkeyboard?
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