Medication and Prescription Drugs
Prescription drugs are defined as medicine obtained through a doctor's prescription. Medication is defined as a medical treatment obtained legally, over the counter. Medications of concern are those that inhibit or may inhibit a worker's ability to perform their job safely and provided by the pharmacist.
Prescription Drugs

- Prescription and over-the-counter drugs are usually not prohibited when taken in standard dosage and/or according to a physician's prescription.
- If an employee brings prescription drugs into an offshore facility, the medication must be in the bottle or container in which it was originally dispensed and must be prescribed to the individual.
- The employee taking prescription medications must notify the immediate supervisor if the medication may interfere with safe performance of the job.
- If the use of a medication could compromise the employee's safety or the safety of fellow employees or the public, the employee must inform the company to avoid unsafe workplace practices.
The day carrier should include:
- employee's doctor's names
- the prescription number,
- the date of issuance on the label
Here are some more important points about prescription drugs:
- Each prescription should not exceed its expiration date.
- Employees should only possess the prescribed amount of medication for a normal work shift.
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7-2. What must an employee taking prescription medications do if the medication may interfere with safe performance of the job?
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