Air Hoses
Compressed air should not be used to clean clothing or equipment with small or loose parts.
Using compressed air is not permitted in the following situations:
- As a carrier agent for solvents while cleaning equipment.
- For pressure testing vessels or pipelines, unless specifically approved by a company Representative(s) and the Safety Department.
- When any soft line air hoses are in use at pressures over 15 psig, use a securing system over the hose connections.
- To ensure that whip-check securing systems are used correctly and are properly fitted, follow manufacturer specifications. Homemade and/or uncertified securing systems should not be acceptable.
- Do not use worm gear type hose clamps on offshore facilities.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
2-6. What must be used when any soft line air hoses are in use at pressures over 15 psig?
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