Best Practices

Crane barge lifting operations.
- Take the crane out of service if operational limit switches are not functional. The crane should not return to service until properly repaired.
- Never leave the crane unattended with a suspended load.
- Use 2-part shackles with cranes when conducting normal deck operations.
- Operate cranes within their rated load capacities as specified by the load capacity chart.
- Do not use cranes to slide or snake the load by pulling from the side with the crane boom.
- Use tag lines to control the load.
- Use Shepherd Hooks to retrieve tag lines.
- Use a 'Hands-Free' practice when handling loads.
- Do not place yourself under a suspended load.
- Deck crews should establish an avenue of escape to avoid pinch points.
- Paint crane blocks and crane balls safety yellow or orange.
- Know the weight of every load lifted with the crane.
- Do not ride the crane block, suspended loads, boom, or hooks.
- Position crane booms so that there is no possibility of interference with helicopter operations.
- Stand outside of the cab so that the helicopter pilot can see you.
- Do not operate cranes in adverse weather conditions.
- Make workers aware of the crane load's 'fall zone' area.
- Keep the fall zone area clear of workers not associated with a lift in process.
- Lay the crane boom in the boom rest for maintenance.
- Never override crane safety limit switches.
- Transfer workers by crane only if a certified operator is controlling the transfer, the crane is outfitted with an anti-two block device, and a proper workers basket is used.
Knowledge Check Choose the best answer for the question.
4-3. During crane operations what should be done to control the load?
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